Wednesday 9 December 2015

Minggu Kesepuluh Kuliah

Kod Kursus: PPEA 2106
Tajuk Kursus: Internet dan Pengajaran



-Theory in teaching
-Models of teaching

We discussed the events and theory of the selected topics.

*Past Year Questions Revision
1. You intend to teach one subject in the kindergarten classroom. Choose one teaching method and one online technology tool to teach the class. Please state the chosen subject by giving example and elaboration based on your field of specialization.
(20 Marks)

2. Choose two online teaching technology tools. Discussed the strength and weakness of the two technology tools which can be used in teaching and learning for preschool children.
(20 Marks)

3. You intend to plan for one suitable activity using Internet for Kindergarten classroom based on one teaching model. Your discussion should be base on one subject and your field of specialization.
(20 Marks)

4. As a kindergarten teacher, you wish to plan for one subject to teach in the kindergarten class. Choose 2 suitable teaching methods using Internet stated below for teaching the subject. Give example of one subject wish you intend to teach in the classroom and your elaboration must be based on your field of specialization.

     a) Games
     b) Drill and practice
     c) Demonstration
     d) Problem solving
(20 Marks)

5. Explain 5 teaching activity using Internet wish are suitable for the kindergarten classroom. Your discussion is based on one subject. Your examples and elaboration needs to be based on your field of specialization.
(20 Marks)

6.You wish to design a website. Choose one suitable teaching model as a guideline for designing the website for Early Childhood Education. Your examples and elaboration needs to be based on your field of specialization.
(20 Marks)

7. How do you apply learning theory in teaching one subject that you choose using Internet. Select either Social Constructivism Theory or Behaviourism Theory. Compared which theory is more suitable for learning and elaborate on how you apply the learning theory in the kindergarten classroom activities.
(20 Marks)


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