Wednesday 21 October 2015

Minggu Ketujuh Kuliah

Kod Kursus: PPEA 2106
Tajuk Kursus: Internet dan Pengajaran


-discussing about previous learning lesson
-selecting which next topic to learn for next week

-proceed with those who don't get to present on their web 2.0 (pros & cons)
-done with web 2.0 (pros & cons)
-start with presentation uploaded in blendspace
-Yng Jye & Eveleen group presentation (blendspace) = fruits
-Nina, Anne & Lela group presentation (blendspace) = parts of the body
-Ariff & Ika group presentation (blendspace) = butterflies life cycle
-link :
-addition to what we present, added on some strength and cover up the weaknesses in the lesson plan

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