Wednesday 30 September 2015

Minggu Ketiga Kuliah

Kod Kursus: PPEA 2106
Tajuk Kursus: Internet dan Pengajaran


-no class as for this week


Wednesday 16 September 2015

Minggu Kedua Kuliah

Kod Kursus: PPEA 2106
Tajuk Kursus: Internet dan Pengajaran


This is a website that teach and shows a basic tutorial on searching the web. As you may see in the picture given, there are lots of information you can find. You can access the web through any search engines.

Try surfing the web, (

As for today's class, we get through the Table of Contents in the website.

Let us look at some of the link in the website.

There are too many information stored in the website databases. You can just browse it and read it whole.

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Minggu Pertama Kuliah

Kod Kursus: PPEA 2106
Tajuk Kursus: Internet dan Pengajaran


-Proses Suai Kenal (Ice Breaking)
-Pengenalan Pro Forma Kursus
-Pembahagian Tugasan Kursus
-Pengenalan Input Pengetahuan
-Proses Pendaftaran Akaun Google
-Proses Pendaftaran Blog Baru ( PPEA 2106 )

::problem always occurred = e.g. "the page you requested is invalid" on the page of blogger account you created. The only way to solve this easily is just in a few steps. I'll show you how.

Method 1:
1-Clear cache and history from the browser you are using
2-Close all active tab that you open in your browser
3-Open and search blogger
4-Hit blogger and sign in as usual
5-Create new blog as instructed
6-If it is a success then you can just post your first entry on your blog
7-If it is not success which means it still appear "the page you requested is invalid" then you have to use another method

Method 2:
1-Repeat the same process from method 1 (1-2)
2-Close your browser
3-Repeat method 1 (3-5)
4-If it is a success then you can just post your first entry on your blog
5-If it is not success which means it still appear "the page you requested is invalid" then you have to use another method that requires extension installed on your browser
6-Before doing that, open and close all active tab
7-Clear cache and history
8-Check on your Google tab, find out if your IP address and location have been changed to another domain or place
9-Make sure the location is right
10-Repeat the process in method 1
11-If it is not success which means it still appear "the page you requested is invalid" then you have to use another last method

Last Method:
1-Open browser and make sure the cache and history is cleaned
2-Go to Customize and control Google Chrome tab
3-Find extensions and get more extensions
4-Search Zenmate and install it in your chrome
5-Repeat method 1
6-This should be working :)

Thank You.